Thursday, September 10, 2009

School's back from summer!

Aden started first grade this week, while Cohen is going to 3 year old preschool. Aden enjoys school, but would rather stay home and play video games. Cohen on the other hand seems to love school and cried when he did not get to go yesterday. It is not easy to explain to a 3 year old that he only goes to school on Tuesdays and Thursdays when his big brother is going all week. I hope the rest of the school year goes as easy as this first week has. Cohen has not cried at school when I have left him yet. He just sits there and waves at me from his carpet square, while other kids are running around and screaming, trying to get out of the room. It is almost comical to see these little kids. Of course I would not feel that way if it were one of mine. Thankfully both my boys seem to be okay with separation from Mommy, although that was not always true with Co-man.

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