Friday, July 23, 2010

Friday Frustrations

Frustrations are a part of life, so I will list my top 3..... what are your frustrations for the week?

My top 3 frustrations this week:

1. My health. Once again I am having health issues. I am in pain, bloated, crampy, and moody as all get out. I am so over this. My first surgery was just over a year ago, my second just over 7 months. I have no reproductive organs left... what could possible hurt now?

2. My husband. Too much time together makes me crazy. He was on vacation last week and did not have many hours this week. If he could be more productive when he is home, perhaps I could be less naggy. I just want things around the house fixed. Is a working dishwasher too much to ask for?

3. My almost 4 year old getting hurt at the pool. My son, being as clumsy as his mother, tripped over his own towel and fell face first onto cement. He busted his lip, scraped his face, and gave himself a bloody nose. His face looks much better now, just in time for his 4th birthday this weekend. I felt so bad for him. It is frustrating as a mother to not be able to take your child's pain away.

1 comment:

Jodi said...

Uh, its been a while since you have posted.... you've been tagged in a post come and see!