Monday, September 10, 2007

Killing me

So I am now enrolled full time as a student at the local community college. I *think* I am going to get a degree in Social Work but who knows. I mean I have been going to college for so long and I change my mind all the time. I have ALWAYS wanted to be a teacher but there is such a shortage of jobs in that profession that it almost seems pointless in becoming one. So anyway I am taking an intro to sociology class taught by a man who thinks he is a GOD because his title is Dr. A doctor of what I don't know but I may need to see one because he is a pain in my ass. He has given us so much work for this week. Um hello this is an intro class!! Seriously you would think that it was a 300 level course or something. We are supposed to read 3 chapters this week, take 3 quizzes, and answer these stupid thought provoking (supposedly) questions, which are completely homogay. I hate this professor, however the subject matter is awesome. Why is he so lame though? Luckily I tend to work ahead so I only have one chapter left to read and I have answered some of his super stupid questions. Of course to top off all the work in his class I have 3 others as well, with nowhere near as much work. Of course I will have the last laugh when I post how much he sucks on at the end of the semester. Yeah that will show him.


Anonymous said...

LMAO!! Okay so this is probably my favorite post! You'll have to keep us updated on the Homogay Dr. of Sociology!

~Amber~ said...
