Saturday, September 12, 2009

Saturday 9

1. If everyone liked each other, what would we complain about? Our spouses, PMS, politicians, our body shapes. The list is endless.

2. If you were most powerful person in the world, how would you use that power? wow. Really I would never want to be the most powerful person. That is way too much responsibility and you are the first to be blamed when something goes wrong. I would give the power to someone else to deal with.

3. If had exactly one year to live, what are the three things you'd want to do before you died? I would want to spend as much time as I could with my family and friends, go to Hawaii, and ride a dolphin.

4. If you could change one thing about the world, what would that one thing be? Poverty. It amazes and saddens me that in our world people can be so poor that they have no place to live and no food to eat. In America of all places, this should not be happening.

5. If you could take one thing back, what would that one thing be? My attitude in the past. I hurt people and I feel bad about it.

6. If you were stuck on an island forever but had all the water, food and shelter you needed. What would be the three other things you'd bring with you? Books, my cell phone, and my computer. I would needs lots of books though!

7. If the internet didn't exist, would the quality of life go up or down? For some, it would improve their lives greatly. The internet is so addictive. On the flip side, without the internet it would be harder to stay in touch with people from your lives, and can you imagine using the library for research and info instead of Google? I do not think I could live without Google.

8. If a million dollars fell off a back of a truck, would you keep it? If there was no way I was ever going to get caught.... hellz yes. If I had a million dollars I would be able to live on it the rest of my life and leave some for my kids. With a million dollars I would pay off my house and debt and my husband would work just part time. The rest would go into the bank.

9. What is something you said, something you stole, something you did wrong? Last night I told Aden how proud I am of him for being so brave when I have to drain the infection from his leg. Once I stole Viagra from the pharmacy I worked for. I had read that if women use it, it can make the O more powerful or something. Yup, didn't work and I fell asleep for most of the time it was in my system. I do lots of things wrong, I have the worst coordination. Sometimes if I want my husband to do something and he is procrastinating I will do it wrong because I know then at least he will come home and fix it. I did this recently when I wanted some photos hung on the wall and I had waited months for him to do it. I apparently used the wrong nails and when he came home he fixed the nails and straightened the pictures. Works every time.

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1 comment:

Lori L. Clark Art said...

I think we'd always find something to complain about, after all, we are only human. :)