Friday, July 23, 2010

Friday Frustrations

Frustrations are a part of life, so I will list my top 3..... what are your frustrations for the week?

My top 3 frustrations this week:

1. My health. Once again I am having health issues. I am in pain, bloated, crampy, and moody as all get out. I am so over this. My first surgery was just over a year ago, my second just over 7 months. I have no reproductive organs left... what could possible hurt now?

2. My husband. Too much time together makes me crazy. He was on vacation last week and did not have many hours this week. If he could be more productive when he is home, perhaps I could be less naggy. I just want things around the house fixed. Is a working dishwasher too much to ask for?

3. My almost 4 year old getting hurt at the pool. My son, being as clumsy as his mother, tripped over his own towel and fell face first onto cement. He busted his lip, scraped his face, and gave himself a bloody nose. His face looks much better now, just in time for his 4th birthday this weekend. I felt so bad for him. It is frustrating as a mother to not be able to take your child's pain away.


This Sunday is my baby boy's 4th birthday. I have no idea where the time has gone. I am happy that he is getting bigger because it enables us to do more together, like movies, games, etc. it makes me sad though since I cannot have anymore children. Cohen is a very strong willed, independent, fearless little boy with a big heart and a love for life. I still remember the day he was born like yesterday. Although the first two years were a challenge, to say the least, I cannot imagine my life or my family without him.

Some changes

I decided it was time for a new look for my blog. It may take some time as I am NOT computer savvy in the least. I really like the new beach background because I love the beach. I would do anything, well almost, to live on the beach. The sounds, smells, the look of the water, I love it all. I am most relaxed by the water, my feet in the sand, and a great book in hand. I will be spending most of next week, just that way, plus a great friend!

Who does that?!?!

So the other day at the pool, while my son was gushing blood from his beautiful face, a lady approached me. She asked me if we needed any help and if C was alright. I assured her we were fine and thanked her. She then turns to her 3 kids and says see this is exactly why you don't run at the pool. OMGeeeeeeeee I was mad. First off Cohen was not running, hell he wasn't even walking. He stood up and tripped over his towel. Second of all my son is sitting on a bench bleeding from his mouth and nose, so get the eff out of the locker room and let us deal with him. I was seriously ticked that she was using my son as a teaching lesson for her kids and that she made it sound like it was Cohen's fault because he was running. If my child was not bleeding and I was not freaking out I would have let her have it. Seriously, who does that?!?! And who does that in front of the child who is crying and bleeding all over his beach towel?


Once again I am going through a blogging drought. Once summer hit I became too busy, or maybe lazy. The boys and I are enjoying our summer. We have been going to the beach and pool quite often. I have a great tan and I am loving the sun. Next week we leave for a week in Pentwater. We will be staying in my mother in law's camper, which will be a nice break from tent camping. I can't believe summer is already half over. That saddens me as I am NOT a cold weather type of girl!